Stress & Infections: Is Your Office Making You Sick?

It’s one of the most commonly discussed topics in the workplace these days. Job pressures and stress can take more of a toll than just sapping your energy – it can make you physically sick. Research shows that long-term, high levels of stress weakens the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to common ailments like colds and flu. What’s worse is that even if your office isn’t the direct cause, working conditions can increase your susceptibility to infections – and make them last longer. So how do you know which factors at work are putting your health at risk?

The Stress & Infection Link
Stress causes a wide range of physiological changes in the body. It may suppress immunity by decreasing natural killer cells or reducing lymphocytes production, making you more vulnerable to infection. Prolonged stress is linked with decreased number and activity of white blood cells which protect against infection – thus further increasing susceptibility to illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria.

Moreover, if somebody with an already weakened immune system catches a virus or bacterial infection they generally take longer to recover because their bodies have trouble fighting off the germs. At any point in time when your immune system is not able to keep up with the rate of exposure or be unable to mend damage caused earlier, all it takes is one bad germ or virus for your symptoms to become full blown illness.( written above 1200 words )


When it comes down to it, a stressful environment definitely makes you more susceptible to catching the virus or bacteria than if you led a relaxed life at work. While some things may be out of our control inherently designed into an organization’s culture; such as standing desks being uncomfortable (as well as putting extra pressure on our legs), other cultural motivators such as having meetings around lunchtime rather than towards home-timeare something we as individuals can talk about and request changes from management should we feel there would be overall benefit from it.

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FAQ About Stress & Infections

Q1: How does stress weaken immunity?
A1: Stress leads to a wide range of physiological changes in body including suppression of immunity by decreasing natural killer cells or reducing lymphocytes production which makes individuals prone towards illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria.

Q2: Can job duties make me sick?
A2: Job duties alone don’t necessarily cause sickness but prolonged periods of high-stress might have an adverse effect on individual’s immune system due to reduced natural killer cells or lymphocytes making them vulnerable towards infections caused by viruses/bacteria etc…

Q3: Are people who experience high levels of stress more likely to catch cold/flu?
A3: Yes. People who experience high levels of stress for prolong period have weaker immunity due rebalancing immune response (reduced number/activity white blood cells) leading them prone towards infection/disease than those not exposed to prolonged increased stress reaction time .

Q4: What measures should I take if I feel my workplace increases my susceptibility towards infections?
A4: Take short frequent breaks during office hours, practice yoga/meditation for relaxation , keep yourself adequately hydrated throughout day and get nutritious meals etc so that body remains nourish enough regulate physical active functions well , also talk management about incorporating certain organizational policies so that exchange workload within operational place gets balance .

Q5: Does working long hours increase my chances getting sick?
A5: Working long hours increases mostly physical disabilities apart from psychological boredom & fatigue , however over stressing mind may lead emotional triggers contributing weakening immune system so pace work within office timings responsibly followed proper enforcement procedures within organization prior considering extra commitments beyond regular scope .

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I hope you like reading on Stress & Infections: Is Your Office Making You Sick?.

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